Monday, August 2, 2010

My amazing school

The things we have at school are:

  1. A science teacher who also teaches us other things like maths
  2. A fabulous classroom
  3. A hall for doing lots of fun stuff like PE practice (when its raining), assembly and sometimes we get to watch movies there
  4. A PE teacher who gives us lots of cool activities 
  5. A chess club on Tuesday at lunchtime. It takes nearly the whole of lunch time to play a game. Once I got a silver medal.
  6. An art class room and teacher. She is fabulous because she also lets us play the piano and we get to do really awesome drawings
  7. Mini-halls and portables
  8. 4 roads around the school
  9. A vege garden
  10. An oval for sport activities, footy and soccer and Kelly Sports
  11. A giant chess set. The pieces are taken out on Thursdays and Fridays.

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